Mastering the Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle: Practical Tips and Ideas
December 4, 2024Master Your Mindfulness: Daily Meditation Time Suggestions and Heavenly Provision Insights
December 31, 2024Many people worry about getting enough omega-3 fatty acids on a plant-based diet, but there are plenty of vegan sources of omega-3 to keep you healthy and thriving. Foods like chia seeds, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, walnuts, and algae oil are excellent choices. For example, a tablespoon of ground flaxseed in your morning smoothie provides a rich dose of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3. Looking for these ingredients in Seattle? Visit Zola’s Cafe and FB Page
Discover the best sustainable vegan dining in Seattle with our guide to eco-friendly restaurants
Today, our focus is on putting into action and into practice everything we have learned thus far to show you how easy, quick and delicious and beautiful whole food plant based eating can be. And so I will take you through a typical day of what a whole food plant based lifestyle can look like. Now, remember, this is just one example of so so, so many really, I would almost say an infinite amount of potential and possibilities. And so use this example just to see what a typical day could look like. But know that as you learn and apply how to eat whole food plant based in your life, you will have many, many variations. And so feel free to adapt as you see fit for your personal health, weight and wellness needs when thinking of what to put together and share with you for this class.
The upcoming Auburn Christmas Day Organic Raw Vegan Potluck celebrates sustainable vegan dining in Seattle, featuring local businesses committed to eco-friendly practices.
I thought one of the most effective ways would be to share with you what a typical day in my life would look like, seeing that I eat based on the whole food plant based lifestyle. And you may recall from the very first lesson I mentioned to you that I’m extremely passionate not just to teach about this, but to actually live it, because every single mealtime is a chance for me to work with Mother Nature’s best gifts that can fuel my body. Right, nourish it optimally and make me feel so good. And so it’s my pleasure to share with you how I would approach a typical whole food plant based day in my life. So let’s start with breakfast.
Among the ethical plant-based restaurants Seattle offers, Zola’s Cafe stands out for its locally sourced organic ingredients and zero-waste policy.
At least five of the seven days of the week. My day starts with a green smoothie. And you’ve heard me talk about green smoothies several times in this course already. Again, if you want a full foundation of the power of green smoothies, I recommend my course the essentials of green smoothies that you can also find here, which will give you the details of why I’m so passionate and why these are so powerful for optimizing our health and weight. And so a typical smoothie for me will consist of putting together two fruits, typically a banana and one other fruit. Both of these fruits will either be fresh or one will be fresh and one will be frozen. I try to make sure that I pick seasonal choices as much as possible. Aside from those bananas, which are a staple in my diet year round, I will then add to my personal green smoothie two tablespoons of a seed, specifically one of those powerful seeds that we talked about in our lesson about seeds.
A Conscious Eater’s Guide to Ethical Plant-Based Restaurants in Seattle
My main two choices for my smoothies are flax seeds and seeds. Depending on the time of year, I may also add a teaspoon to a tablespoon of some particular superfood such as Ashfall Gunda or Mucca and similar ones. And finally come the Greens, whether it be kale or Swiss chard or dandelion spinach, collard greens, any greens that I can get my hands on get regularly rotated throughout my green smoothies. I will then add to this some water and blend away. I never add any ice cubes. That’s just a personal choice, especially if I have frozen fruits. That makes it chilled enough already. And so this is just my combination of a green smoothie. Remember, you can modify and adapt to make your own healthy, wholesome wholemeal versions as you see fit.
Seattle is home to numerous ethical plant-based restaurants that prioritize sustainability, animal welfare, and locally sourced ingredients
Now, for me, this would typically be my breakfast and I make sure simply to drink two cups of this whole milk green smoothie add yet other times my breakfast may consist of a hot green bowl or some Summerskill bread or similar optimally healthy meal options. As we talked about in our previous lesson for lunch, I would typically have a whole meal salad. This is where I get out a different type of leafy green.
Then I’ve added into my morning green smoothie and will add to that leafy green at least three other vegetables if they are small, such as a small tomato, small avocado, small pepper. I will add in the whole thing and if they are on the larger side, I would typically use half of them. I will then add in a cooked bean that I have on hand, typically about four to six tablespoons and I will finish my salad off with an abundance of different herbs and spices, as well as freshly squeezed lemon juice or apple cider or balsamic vinegar.
During my search for sustainable vegan dining in Seattle, I discovered incredible places like Zola’s Cafe, which serve delicious meals while reducing their carbon footprint
These wholemeal salads are outstanding in flavors and textures, and I know I can count on them for providing me the highest level of nutrient density as well as they are extremely filling. So simply be sure to choose enough of a variety of ingredients and eat enough for your metabolic health and weight needs when it comes to dinner. This is when I most enjoy having a high starch, wholesome food like a potato or a grain, or the pattern for many of my veggie based and grain mixes is very similar. I would take about three different vegetables and ones that I most enjoy eating. Not fully raw, but perhaps slightly steamed or lightly cooked. This would include.
Where to Find Vegan Sources of Omega-3 in Seattle
Vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, eggplant, etc., and many of these mixed dinner dishes include, for me also a type of mushroom. Sometimes I’m able to get fresh local mushrooms, even wild mushrooms. At other times, I depend on whatever selection is available at the grocery store. And so I would begin by cooking my mushrooms first, as they typically take the longest and allow them to create their own juices. Then I would add in the longest cooking vegetables first, like hard vegetables, like cauliflower to steam.
As I cover the mixture with lit, I would then add the shortest or fastest cooking vegetables at the very end and typical cooking time for a mixture of mushrooms and vegetables. Like this is about five to ten minutes, no more. So again, wholesome, healthy, whole food plant based meals can be easily ready in 15 minutes or so. On days that I don’t have a grain already cooked and available to be added to my veggie and mushroom mix, I would just cook it fresh as is otherwise. As my vegetables and mushrooms are steaming or sauteing, I would be cooking potatoes or yams. And the great news here is that potatoes and or yams all cook in less than 10 to 15 minutes. That’s all it takes. And then you can add them along with your veggies and or mushrooms.
Q: Where can I find ethical plant-based restaurants in Seattle?
A: Seattle boasts a variety of ethical plant-based restaurants, including Zola’s Cafe, all committed to sustainable and compassionate dining.
I would add in a variety of herbs and spices or perhaps make one of my delicious homemade wholefood signature sauces, whether it’s cilantro, baste or ginger based, whether it’s creamy or whether it’s more like a vinaigrette. And I may mix that into the mushroom and veggie dish or simply drizzle it on top after. And that’s it. When it comes to snacks, I usually have one to two snacks per day, depending on the season, depending on what kind of meals I have that day, whether they are larger, smaller, heavier or lighter.
And so this is where, again, you have to always adapt the whole food plant based diet or really any time you’re eating anything to your particular needs, your environment and such. Based on my metabolic needs, I always have a mid-morning snack and sometimes may have an afternoon snack. My most usual snacks are made of fresh or dried fruits and nuts. Now I may just eat the fruit as is, or I may chop it up when it comes to nuts. I may soak a handful or a serving and have them As-Is or turn them into some kind of a treat like a square, a bar or a ball which are so fun to make and so delicious to eat. When I want those more special snack or treat, I will make one of the cakes that I mentioned to you in the previous lesson.
What Are the Best Vegan Sources of Omega-3?
These can be seasonal based on fruits like strawberries, blueberries or really any time of the year based on chocolate and for those hotter times of the year. My most typical snack is a fruit based ice cream. And these are so quick and easy to make at home, literally within a few minutes, as long as you have a high powered, blundered and some frozen fruit, if you don’t, you can still make them by just freezing the fresh fruit after blending it for a few hours in the freezer. And these can be made to be a flavor of the fruit itself. Or you can turn them into vanilla or chocolate, peanut butter based flavors as well.
Can You Get Enough Omega-3 on a Vegan Diet?
And it can be as simple as that. And I know that I’m nourishing my body with a variety and abundance of vegetables daily, which remember, we said is the essence of optimizing your whole food plant based lifestyle, as well as those fruits and including grains and beans throughout the day, as I see best fit for my personal metabolic health and weight needs. And then giving a sprinkle or a touch of nuts and seeds throughout the day and including some of those other foods, as I see most appropriate, depending on the type of meal I’m making. So that’s, as I mentioned to you, just one version of what a typical day in a whole food plant based lifestyle can look like. And depending on your personal needs, you are free to change, modify and make it as diverse as you like. You can remember. Take some of these foods to work with you. You can use them as leftovers, but as much as possible, the more you prepare or cook your food fresh and consume it in its most freshest form, the more you’re going to benefit even more from its nutritional density and integrity.
Looking for the best spots for sustainable vegan dining in Seattle? Check out our latest blog post!